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Practical work 1

So you just began to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You are now able to create a simple website. You will now create a simple website that will be hosted on GitHub Pages.


Prove that you can create a website with interactivity on it. The user of your website need to be able to interact with it (click on a button, play with the mouse, etc.).

Group composition

You will work in groups of one student

Grading criteria

  • 0 point - The work is not done
  • 1 point - The work is insufficient
  • 2 points - The work is done

Maximum grade: ((38 points \ 38) * 5) + 1 = 6

Category 1 - HTML

If your repository is private, you must add me as collaborator to your repository!

# Criterion Points
1 There is at least one *.html file and it is named ìndex.html 2
2 The <h1> and <h2> tags are used at least one time 2
3 The <p> tag is used at least one time 2
4 The page index.html use at least one *.js file 2
5 The page index.html use at least one *.css file 2
6 Each formating tag (<i>, <b> and <u>) is used at least one time 2
7 There is at least one Hyperlink element <a> 2
8 There is at least one media (<img>, <audio> or <canvas>) 2

Category 2 - CSS

# Criterion Points
9 There is at leat one *.css file 2
10 At least 2 pseudo-class are used 2
11 The Flexbox layout is used at least one time 2
12 The Grid Layout is used at least one time 2
13 At least 2 classes are used and declared 2

Category 3 - JavaScript

# Criterion Points
14 There is at leat one *.js file 2
15 At least one variable is used 2
16 At least one function is used 2

Category 4 - Deployment

# Criterion Points
17 The project is on GitHub 2
18 A preview of the website is on GitHub Pages 2

Category 5 - Interactivity

# Criterion Points
19 The user of your website need to be able to interact with it (click on a button, play with the mouse, etc.) 2
20 BONUS POINT : Your website is funny or we learn someting new 2


Always complete never finished!

If you want to already use API or other external resources, you can do it.

You can use anything you want to create your website as long as you specify the source.

Just search for "one page template free" on your favorite search engine and you will find a lot of free templates.


The deadline is the Wednesday 12 October 2023 at 22h00.

Any commit after the deadline will not be taken into account. Each day of delay will result in a penalty of -1 point on the final grade.

To submit your work, create a new GitHub Discussion at with the following information:

  • Title: WEB 2023-2024 - Practical work 1 - First name
  • Category: Show and tell
  • Description: The URL of your repository and the URL of the preview of your website

If you don't want your First name to appear on GitHub, you can use your GitHub username instead. Juste email me to let me know.

Grades and feedback

Grades will be entered into GAPS, followed by an email with the feedback.

The evaluation will use exactly the same grading grid as shown in the course material.

Each criterion will be accompanied by a comment explaining the points obtained, a general comment on your work and the final grade.

If you have any questions about the evaluation, you can contact us!