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Part 3 - Frontend & backend

On completion of this part, students will be able to:

  • describe the event loop, and how it is used to handle asynchronous code;
  • describe the execution of a JavaScript program that uses asynchronous code;
  • list the advantages and disadvantages of React over using vanilla JavaScript and HTML;
  • explain the context and providers in React and know how to use them;
  • explain the difference between a development dependency and a production dependency;
  • review if an API is RESTFUL;
  • illustrate a HTTPS handshake (SSL/TLS Handshake);
  • illustrate data in JSON format;
  • explain the advantages and disadvantages of WebSockets;
  • explain what is TypeScript;
  • explain the advantages and disadvantages of using TypeScript;
  • read and understand TypeScript code;
  • review if two pages are of the same origin;
  • review if a request is a CORS request;
  • list possibilities to prevent phishing attacks.


  • The evaluation of this part will be on January 25, 2024, from 15:50 to 16:50;
  • You must be present for the test. Any unjustified absence will result in a grade of 1;
  • The evaluation will be in French;
  • The evaluation will be on paper;
  • No computer will be allowed, no smartphone will be allowed, no smartwatch will be allowed, and no internet will be allowed. You get the idea;
  • You are allowed to use one page of paper with whatever you want on it, recto-verso;
  • You can listen to music with headphones;
  • All acts of cheating will be punished by a 1;
  • The questions will be about the objectives of this part. You will have to answer with your own words.

Remember that the evaluation does not measure your emotional and relational intelligence. Your grade does not reflect your ability to dream or your artistic sensibility.
